Ruth Power
Ruth Power creates her ceramics out of porcelain,
but also uses bronze casts. She exhibits her work in the zozimus gallery in the
Kilmainham arts club. Ruth Power also creates jewellery and other crafts, which
she then sells at fairs and festivals. Ruth Power pushes the boundaries of
Irish ceramics. She is inspired by Japanese tentacle pornography and has used a
ranged of sea creatures and human with deformed faces. Ruth looks at the sexual
side between humans and sea life creatures and how they respond in her work.
The way she uses the tentacles in her ceramics to show tentacle rape rapped
around human faces, shows its not just humans that influence this sort of
behavior. Ruth Power uses casts of parts of her body to influence the meaning
of sexual pornography and to explain how creatures and humans can be seen as
sexual pornography objects.
By Conor Murray